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Bowling Clubs

Bridgemary Bowling Club

Bridgemary Bowling Club is a sports and hobbies establishment located in Gosport, England. They specialize in providing a fun and engaging environment for individuals interested in bowling clubs.

Introduction to Bridgemary Bowling Club

Bridgemary Bowling Club is a long-standing establishment that has been around for over 70 years. The club was founded with the intention of providing a fun and social environment for members to participate in the sport of bowling. What makes this club unique is its commitment to promoting sportsmanship and inclusivity.

Services & Products

Bridgemary Bowling Club offers a range of services to its members. These include access to the bowling green, equipment rental, and coaching sessions. The club also hosts regular tournaments and social events that encourage members to engage with each other.


Bridgemary Bowling Club is located in the peaceful town of Gosport, England. The area is known for its friendly community and picturesque landscapes. Within the vicinity, customers can expect to find a variety of local businesses, including cafes, restaurants, and convenience stores. The closest public transportation options to the club are the Gosport Bus Station (1.5 miles), Fareham Train Station (4.5 miles), and Portsmouth Harbour Ferry Terminal (6.5 miles).


Customers should choose Bridgemary Bowling Club because of its commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment. The club is open to people of all ages and skill levels, making it a great place to meet new people and improve your bowling technique. Additionally, the club's regular events and tournaments provide opportunities for members to engage with each other and become a part of a community.

Good to Know

Customers should be aware that Bridgemary Bowling Club is a members-only establishment. To access the club's services, customers must first become members.


Customers have consistently praised Bridgemary Bowling Club for its welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Members have noted the club's commitment to promoting inclusivity and sportsmanship, as well as its well-maintained facilities.


  • amenity
  • amenity
    shoe rental
  • amenity
  • amenity
    food service
  • amenity
  • amenity
  • amenity
    pool table
  • amenity
  • amenity
    bowling ball vending machine


What types of bowling leagues does your club have and how do I join?

We have various bowling leagues including mixed, men's, women's, seniors, and youth leagues. You can join by contacting the club or visiting our website to fill out an application form.

What kind of equipment do you provide for customers to use, and how often is it maintained?

We provide bowling balls, shoes, and other necessary equipment. Our equipment is regularly maintained and replaced as needed to ensure the best possible experience for our customers.

Are there any additional fees for special events or activities held at the club?

Yes, there may be additional fees for special events or activities, depending on the nature of the event. Please contact the club for more information about specific events.

What are the hours of operation, and how busy does the club tend to get on weekdays versus weekends?

Our hours of operation vary depending on the day of the week, but we are generally open from morning until late at night. The club tends to be busier on weekends, but we still have plenty of availability during the week.

Is there a dress code or any specific rules that customers should be aware of before bowling at your club?

There is no specific dress code, but we do ask that customers wear appropriate clothing and footwear for bowling. We also ask that customers follow basic rules of etiquette, such as taking turns and being respectful of other bowlers.